Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Promise

Picture this.  A lane lined with sycamores and sugar maples (one with a hammered-on smile), blanketed with moss or snow, and a low-riding wooden fence that winds its way up towards a big yellow house.  This is where I write. 

After years of world travel, for the past 10 years I find my inspiration from the nature outside and the human nature within.  Although I now only dream of exploring lands far away, with two kids, one cat and one husband - and my own business - my days are full.  Life brings constant joy, challenges and reasons to be thankful - but little time to write. 

So, what prompted this entry?  My precocious 13-year-old daughter started her own blog yesterday - so, like daughter, like mother.  Here's a promise (to myself) that I will fill this blog with what moves and inspires me...and hopefully, you.

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